Tuesday, December 3, 2013

A Force Shield of Protection

It had been a rough day.  I was feeling frustrated about the challenges of moving and seeing my children being required to adapt once again to their new surroundings.  I found myself home in the evening alone while all our children were at the church with activities.  I decided to work on my talk for the upcoming Sunday.  I had added a story from a previous adventure through a snow storm.  My talk spoke of gratitude even in our challenges, and that night, as I felt weighed down by my challenges and I was truly working to find gratitude for these challenges and help in dealing with them.  I had gone through my talk numerous times already (I am not normal -- I love giving talks, I love the entire process, and I work really hard to prepare).  This time as I read that story out loud an incredible thing happened and I saw more to the story then I had every realized before. It was an emotional and incredible moment -- to see what had been a tender story take on even a greater significance. Jonny's answer to prayer has always meant so much to me, but then to compare what I had experienced during that snow storm in a couple different ways to Christ's Atonement and to how he helps each of us deal with challenges was a new way of looking at the same story. I shall never regret our decision to go through the storm, because I now personally know how Christ will be our foundation and help us through the storms of life. I needed that knowledge after a frustrating day. I can face life, even when I want to shrink from my challenges, because I know that Christ will still be there to help me.

Here is the rest of the story: 

Once when traveling as a family in a severe snowstorm in the Sierras, my frightened 7-year old son worried over our safety.  He prayed and then shortly later informed us that the answer was Yes! Yes, Jesus would protect us; He had put a force shield over our car.  A few hours later we were still on the road, detoured off of 1-80, around Lake Tahoe both directions, and now on Highway 50.  The night was late, it was dark, the road was icy, the mountain treacherous, the drop-off intimidating.  The blinding snow coming directly at our windshield.  Ray felt we would be ok; he had the skills and the determination to see us through.  We followed a snowplow for a while until it turned around, and we were left primarily alone to see our family safely through the snowstorm.  All of our six children were peacefully sleeping in the back, unaware of the increase in the storms intensity.  

At one point, our car slipped, turned 90 degrees and stopped right in its place—the force shield had held.  What normally took us 2 hours to drive from Reno to Sacramento became a 7-hour ordeal for us.  Ray and I carried the burden of getting our family safely through the storm and brought our family safely home. Just as Christ once said, Here I am, send me. He came to earth, sacrificed and Atoned for our sins and made it possible that we could one day safely return to God.  His Atonement acts as a force shield that makes it possible to weather the storms of life.  

At times, we may be like Ray, confident, determined and have the necessary skills to make it through the raging storms.  At other times, we may be like me, battling fears and just holding on hoping that Christ will protect us and that we can weather the storm.  Or some times we may be like our children who slumbered that late night in the mountains in California, who were protected from knowing the magnitude of the storm.  Each of us in that car, Ray, myself, and our children experienced something different that night, but each of us were still protected by the force shield placed over our car. 

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