Wednesday, April 9, 2014

A Forever Family, that Eternal Bond Makes Life Worth Living

Last summer was anything but relaxing.  In between moves, we spent the summer with family.  Beset by many challenges and with my family scattered, I focused on putting pieces of our move together and dealing with many stresses.  As I needed a break from the constant personal challenges, my young children and I began our Harry Potter Marathon, watching Harry grow from the insecure 11 year old, to the angry 15 year old, to the confident and determined 17 year old.  I loved reliving Harry's life again (as Harry had been an important part of my boys'  childhood) and I felt sad when our Movie Marathon ended.  As I watched Harry Potter defeat Lord Voldemort for the last time and thinking of Jordan, miles away serving a church mission in Guatemala, I realized yes my son’s childhood and living under our roof has ended, but time can not erase all I taught him, it can not erase my love for my son, it can not erase my memories.  For “…help will always be given to those who ask for it….Words are… our most inexhaustible source of magic, capable of both inflicting injury and remedying it…. Help will always be given to those who deserve it…Pity all those who live without love.”  (Quoting a wise Dumbledore)
Thank you Harry.  I  learned once again that life is always worth living when you love others and when others love you – no matter the challenges or struggles we face –its all worth it, if we don’t have to face it all alone. Children grow older, we let them go, even though we would rather hold on longer, but my love for them shall never cease. And may my children know, that no matter what, they do not have to face life alone because they have a family who loves them.  We may not be a perfect family, we may not always get along, conflicts may arise, but we are a forever family, and that eternal bond makes life worth living.

The Foundation of Our Society is Strong Families

Last month, the Denver City Council approved to open a safe injection site, where drug users could come and use illegal drugs in a safe ...