Thursday, August 11, 2016

Finding the Power To Stand Strong

I want to shout from the rooftops, but I don’t know if any one will listen. I want to stand and boldly declare my beliefs, even if they are disregarded or tossed aside.  I want to share my knowledge with others, but sometimes, no one is interested.  I will still speak and I will still write and hope that someone, somewhere is listening or reading, though I have realized my writing voice is louder.  So I turn to writing a blog. I don’t have to worry that no one shows for a class I have prepared or someone cancels a coaching appointment. Yes, it’s a little frightening to put your words up where anyone can read them, but then again, sometimes no one does.

But I want to tell a story.  I love stories. I love knowing the background—the context to what makes someone who they are. And I have a story to tell.  The story of how I received the Strength to Stand Strong. I want to share what I have learned because the path has been a journey worth traveling and as my Contribution Statement says, 

          “I am a stone bridge weathered and worn, yet inviting all to come. I offer to assist others safely across the impassable journeys of life. I will help them build their own bridge, so they may carry themselves clear of the jagged rocks, the arduous climb, and the turbulent swirls of life. They will become conqueror to what once appeared impossible.

I love life!  I love the journey I am on! It hasn’t been an easy path, but I love learning and life has given me opportunities to learn difficult lessons and to find ways through complicated problems. Come join me on this journey as I share my stories, my thoughts, and ideas to help carry you and I through our highest of highs and our lowest of lows. My blog will include two parts – stories and ideas centered around my faith and my belief in God and the second part will include what I have learned through and because of my Strength Coaching program.  I had two separate blogs, but I recently realized I needed to combine these two parts into one.  There’s a story behind that I will definitely share because it’s a story worth telling.

My blog is me shouting from the rooftops and boldly declaring that I have found the Strength to Stand Strong. In this simple way, I share with anyone who cares to read that even when life kicks our feet out from under us, that we have the ability and the power to stand back up. Never believe you are not strong enough. Never fear you are not good enough. For strength is derived from conquering the unconquerable and rising when falling feels easier. You and I have the power to Stand Strong!

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