Saturday, April 29, 2017

Week #2: Marriage Trends and Divorce

This is written for the current college class I am taking. Though this week, our discussion was on Marriage Trends and Divorce--the focus of this blog is ways to strengthen the family which is important to strengthen and help marriages and the same principles identified in this blogpost can apply to marriages.

President Spencer W. Kimball declared, “Many of the social restraints which in the past have helped to reinforce and to shore up the family are dissolving and disappearing. The time will come when only those who believe deeply and actively in the family will be able to preserve their families in the midst of the gathering evil around us.” (Ensign, Nov. 1980, 4.)

President Gordon B. Hinckley said, “Never before, at least not in our generation, have the forces of evil been so blatant, so brazen, so aggressive as they are today. Things we dared not speak about in earlier 3 times are now constantly projected into our living rooms. All sensitivity is cast aside as reporters and pundits speak with a disgusting plainness of things that can only stir curiosity and lead to evil…The home is under siege. So many families are being destroyed…Sisters, guard your children. They live in a world of evil. The forces are all about them.”

As a parent of teenagers, I have found it is not always easy to guard my children and protect them from the evil that surrounds us.   The enemy is real and determined to win and parenting comes with challenges. I have found strength and courage through fortifying my family, protecting them, fighting evil when necessary, and calling in reinforcements to help me and my family.  

FORTIFY--"strengthen (a place) with defensive works so a to protect it against attack."

We fortify and strengthen our homes by increasing our power to fight against evil. A source of power can be found in following gospel principles.  When dark clouds gather and evil beckons at our door, we may feel at a loss of how to protect our families, and so simply holding onto hope has been helpful.  HOPE that our families can stand strong, that God will watch over our families, and that we can endure our trials with patience and confidence.  When dark clouds gather and evil tosses its fiery darts, faith can be a reassurance.  FAITH that we are not alone, faith that our children will find their purpose by holding steadfast to goodness and light. When dark clouds gather, and evil threatens to destroy our peace, prayer provides a great comfort. For in PRAYER, we find peace, we find the ability to keep battling and we find that God is always there. When dark clouds gather, and evil tries to tear our children away, the Spirit of God whispers to us how to help, protect, and raise our children.

PROTECT--"keep safe from harm or injury."

We protect and keep our family safe when we gather them together and make our children a priority.  Memorable moments come when our families spend TIME together, (for my family that may be a simple Saturday morning hike, or a night at the movies, or a beautiful sunny afternoon at the ballpark, or a Sunday evening seeing who can win at our favorite pool game.) Spending time with our children helps them to know they are loved and cared for—in being remembered they will feel protected.  We protect and keep our family safe when we listen.  LISTEN to their dreams, their disappointments, their funny stories, and their greatest joys.  We protect and keep our family safe when we STRENGTHEN and BUILD up our children.  Each child comes with unique and varied strengths.  If we can help our children to develop those strengths and worry less about where they fall short, we will help our children learn to stand strong.

FIGHT--“to engage in battle; attempt to defend oneself against or to subdue, defeat, or destroy an adversary.”

At times parents are caught in a tug-of-war. Evil pulls at our children and we stand on the other side pulling back. Children have a right to choose, but we can do all in our power to help and teach our children. Though evil may be enticing, there is freedom that comes from making good choices. Our homes are under attack, as parents we can lead the cause and fight to save and protect our children.

CALL FOR REINFORCEMENTS--“Additional personnel or equipment sent to support a military action.”

We receive help to fight this war when we call for reinforcements.  We receive strength and support from church leaders who offer wise counsel. We receive strength and support when teachers take our children under their wing and set an example for them to follow. We receive strength and support when family members—siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins accept and encourage our children to be the best they can be. We receive strength and support when friends recognize the greatness in our children, even when sometimes that greatness is hidden.  We receive strength and support when professionals assist us in helping ourselves and children when we can’t find our way through.

Though we may wish we didn’t live in a world of ever increasing wickedness and evil, we can rest assured and find renewed strength to face the battle between good and evil.  Through righteous living, we can FORTIFY our homes.  In our efforts to guide, teach, and love our children, we can PROTECT them.  As parents, we are blessed with STRENGTH to stand and FIGHT—for we are entrusted with a special responsibility to do all in our power to return God’s children to Him.  Thankfully, we do not battle alone, but our army increases as we call in REINFORCEMENTS—and we find church leaders, teachers, family members, and friends heeding our call and joining us in our battle to save our children. We can be encouraged as parents that though we may be surrounded by evil, we can help our children find their way through the darkness.

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