The difference is amazing! The change is mind blowing! The transformation is empowering!
This quote sums up the change that I see in myself. I want to shout from the rooftops and declare that when life brings challenges, when we are overcome by difficult trials, when day-to-day stresses bear down upon us and we want CHANGE, that the greatest way to bring change into our lives is from within ourselves. We have the POWER we need to change. Right inside of ourselves. Just look, it's there. Trust me.
I have a new sense of balance and peace and harmony. Not because life is taking it easy on me, Not because I found way to be a perfect parent. Not because I am in control of all that occurs around me. But because I found the tools I needed to change my thought processes. I have kicked despair, disappointment, and discouragement out the door and I fight hard not to let them back in because they have no place in my soul. I am determined to avoid allowing the dreadful "d" words to invade my mind. I shall no longer invite them in.
I feel balanced. In my mind, I am no longer fighting myself. In my relationships with others, I strive to focus less on me. As I shift my focus to meeting the needs of others, an interesting paradox occurs -- my needs are met and I am happier. When I think of self-centeredness, I picture a small circle with just me in it, and where everything outside the circle should revolve around me. As I move away from worrying about me, guess what?! The circle becomes bigger, but I am still part of the circle -- even the center of the circle, but my circle is big enough to encompass more than just me. I wrap my arms around others, bring them in, and I am whole.
Not only mentally do I see a change, but physically I feel the difference. I can catch myself when I start reverting back to the "I am unhappy with myself, so I am going to react negatively to those around me." I lecture my children less. I am more patient. My stress level has drastically reduced. I want to smile more, I want to walk with a spring in my step, I want to be encompassed from my head to my feet with a sense of peace and contentment. As one who has battled feelings of negative self-worth for so very long, it is so nice to have won that battle!
In my moments of negative thinking, I would turn to God for help. I feared I tired God of constantly praying for the same thing. Some days I just wanted to throw in the towel. On one particular day, as I lay upon my bed full of frustration and discouragement, this thought came into my mind as if God was speaking to me. "I made you stronger than this." I have always had a clear understanding that God loved and cared about me, so I always held on, but I couldn't seem to find a way to overcome my despair. I finally have --yes God, I see the person you made.
I am on a new journey to become a life coach, a strengths coach. To help others find their way. To share the tools that I have found useful. My true self is no longer clouded by my weakened perceptions. I am becoming who God wants me to become. I love my life. I will take the challenges and the difficulties that come my way. I am stronger today--as God intended me to be. I love feeling balanced and peaceful. Trust me, it's a much better way to live life!
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