This is the first blogpost in my series, Strength to Move Mountains, focused on learning from people in the
scriptures. If I can understand what
their strengths, challenges, and weaknesses are, I will gain a source to
understand how to overcome my weaknesses, face my challenges, and gain Strength
to Stand Strong. My articles will come
from stories in the Bible, but as I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ
Latter-day Saints, my stories will also come from the Book of Mormon. I have been on a fascinating journey as I
have been studying people in the scriptures and tried to see them as real
people with real challenges who God made great.
I cannot shy away from my faith or my belief in God because it is
part of who I am. I appreciate any
feedback, though I am not looking to debate the existence of God or who God
is. I respect other’s beliefs as we are
each entitled to our own beliefs, but I would like to share what I have learned
and ask for respectful comments in return.
am I?” I say to myself.
Who am I—to think I can make a
difference in this world
Who am I—to think I have the skills
and talents to step out of my comfort zone
Who am I—to think I can be who God wants me
to be
Sometimes, I find it easy to question myself. I think its human nature because its easier
to compare our imagined insignificance to another’s purported greatness. In today’s world, ridicule and judgment are
quickly exclaimed on social media, labels can overtake a person’s true
identity, and it’s easy to feel we don’t measure up to some arbitrary standard.
am I?” I say to myself.
Who am I—I will never be great
Who am I—my weaknesses will prevent me from
accomplishing my goals
I discovered that somebody great had voiced similar
questions. And I became enthralled as I read his story in the Bible. This man had found a way to overcome his
weaknesses and to become who God wanted him to be and who God knew he could
be. He became a great leader to many
people and performed many miracles. We recognize him for his great works, but
until I sat down and studied his story, I didn’t truly understand his internal
battles that preceded his efforts to save the Israelites from their forced
slavery and many burdens in Egypt.
am I?” Moses said to God
Who am I—that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth
the children of Israel out of Egypt?
Who am I—“they will not believe me, nor
hearken unto my voice”
Who am I—“I am not eloquent…I am slow of
speech, and of a slow tongue”
Who am I—“why is it that thou hast sent me?”
Even though Moses questioned his ability to fulfill what God
wanted him to do, he moved forward. He
continually sought God’s help. He received help from others including, his
brother, Aaron, who became his spokesman, his father-in-law, Jethro offered his
confidence in Moses’ ability to free the Israelites. God assured Moses he would help him, that
even though it would be difficult to convince Pharaoh to let his people go, he
would be successful. Yet it took many unsuccessful attempts before Pharaoh
finally consented.
It is highly unlikely in my life that I will be called upon
to go up against a ruler of a large nation, free Israelites from bondage, miraculously
part the Red Sea, or lead people for 40 years to the promised land, but in my
life I may need to stand up to evil men, help protect my children from the
bondage of bad choices, miraculously find solutions to difficult problems, and
lead my family on a righteous journey. Therefore, in my quest to resolve the
feelings of inadequacies I sometimes experience, I look to Moses and I learn
that God believes in me
God will help me to accomplish my goals and
guide me in that process
God will give me strength to face my enemies
God will bring me out from under my burdens
There will be times when I will want to give up
because I have tried multiple times and failed, but I must trust God and keep
I receive Strength to Stand Strong when as Moses I look to
God for help and trust that God will guide me along my path.
“Who am I?” I say to myself
Who am I – I am willing to trust God knowing
he will help me
Who am I – I am strong
enough to face my enemies
Who am I – I am stepping
forward to be who God would have me be